The South Dakota Department of Health (DOH) is seeking information regarding a comprehensive statewide newborn screening surveillance system. The system is expected to facilitate the collection, integration, management, and monitoring of data from multiple sources, including vital records, hospitals, audiologists, midwives, and the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory. Currently, the DOH processes approximately 12,000 newborns annually, each requiring both bloodspot and hearing screenings. The objective of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather knowledge about available surveillance systems, their technical capabilities, features, scalability, interoperability, and associated costs. This RFI is strictly exploratory, intended to understand the current market landscape and potential solutions. The information collected will help inform the design and scope of a future Request for Proposals (RFP), should the department decide to pursue procurement. Participation in this RFI does not constitute a commitment by the DOH to procure any services, supplies, or solutions.