Product must be a factory mixed, one-part, fugitive, orange-colored water enhancer gel. Product must be easily visible when viewed by aircraft and by ground crews, with evidence substantiated by formal state wildland fire agency evaluation studies. Product must have effective, reliable mixing ability in inclement and freezing weather. Product must have ability to be stored in freezing/unheated storage without requiring additional effort or labor to mix into final product. Product must be completely non-corrosive and safe to use in all equipment including ground-based apparatus, should the need arise. Product must be proven to be safe to be spilled on asphalt, with no negative effects or damage. 2 Once opened, any unused product concentrate powder that is not mixed with water must be able to be reusable when properly stored. Product must be contained in resealable, recyclable buckets. Product makeup must be of “fine” powder granules – “fine” specifies a micron size not exceeding 300 (the consistency of talc powder), which is required to form a homogeneous gel solution versus a mixture of hydrated granules. Once mixed with water, product must hydrate instantly and not expand in volume further during flight. Product shall not require any additional chemicals for wash down or clean up and must rinse clean with water. Product must be compatible with other commonly used fire chemicals, including Class A Foam and Long-Term Retardant, without any negative effects. Product must be non-hazmat for transport and disposal.