Access Control Maintenance Access Control System Maintenance Exacqvision Services for Richard Beard Security CamerasExisting ACti cameras at 1445 Federal Drive Montgomery, AL 36107 location are:3 - B46 Bullet cameras8 - B49 Bullet Cameras30 - E76 Dome Cameras2 - E95 Micro Dome Cameras4 - I45 Bullet Cameras1 - V32 Encoder w/5 analog camerasBidder will provide and bear the expense of NEXT BUSINESS DAY maintenance/repair of the covered Equipment for issues related to normal wear and tear and provide proactive battery replacement.Bidder will perform Testing/Inspections Service on the covered Equipment (servers, cameras, and door controllers/batteries/locks) once per yearBidder will provide Software support services Exactvision Enterprise (virtual environment) softwareAll Maintenance and Inspections will be furnished during “Normal Working Hours” (between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Central Time, Monday through Friday, except holidays).