Products and cost options: • Aerial Photography – Stereo color aerial photography flown at Ground Sample Distance (GSD) of .1’. • Standard Accuracy LiDAR – LiDAR acquisition with a point density of 12 points per square meter. o Vertical accuracy: 10 cm RMSEz o Horizontal accuracy: 5 cm RMSEh. • High Accuracy LiDAR (Alternative Option) - LiDAR acquisition with a point density of 12 points per square meter. o Vertical accuracy: 5 cm RMSEz o Horizontal accuracy: 3 cm RMSEh. • Contours – Generation of 1’ contour lines based on LiDAR data. Vendor will target and field survey all necessary control points to achieve the mapping accuracies outlined below. • Horizontal and vertical control will be derived via GPS surveying, using the NAD 83 State Plane Utah North US Survey Foot datum and coordinate system, adjusted to the current Geoid 12A. • The State UGRC VRS/GPS Network will serve as the GPS survey correction source. • Horizontal and vertical coordinates for all control points must be accurate to within 0.10'. The Respondent will provide a control listing detailing horizontal coordinates and elevations for all surveyed points. This control will be used to ensure accuracy for both Aerial Photography and LiDAR data collection...