The successful vendor shall work with the Southbury Zoning Commission and Land Use Departmental staff to recommend and adopt a comprehensive update to the Town’s Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map with the following objectives and considerations in mind: Amend Zoning Regulations to implement recommendations within the 2023 POCD update, Update permitted land uses, Review consistency between the current Zoning Regulations, other Town ordinances and regulations and State Law, Update and improve the organization of the regulations, Improve the online accessibility and user friendliness of the Zoning Regulations, including but not limited to: visual/graphic aids, active links to relevant sections, a brief user guide, etc., Design pertinent graphics that exhibit construction standards, design concepts and requirements, Incorporate models and best management practices to aid in ensuring quality development that is consistent with community values and development pressures, and Improve development standards, definitions, and procedures to be more straightforward. Review and update of the Zoning Map shall coincide with the update of the regulations to include: Adjusting the Zoning Map as needed to conform with updated regulations, and Modifying zoning district boundaries with property lines where there are alignment errors.