The extent of work on this project is the furnishing of all labor, equipment, and materials for the construction of improvements generally described as follows: Combination cementitious and epoxy lining of approximately 560 vertical feet of sanitary sewer manholes, chemical grouting of joints and cracks as required for manhole lining, installation of spray on urethane internal chimney seal material for 29 manholes, removal and replacement of one (1) manhole casting, replacement of one (1) internal drop connection, traffic control and other miscellaneous associated work. The kinds of materials, estimated quantities, and work to be done for the project on which bids will be received are as shown on the bid proposal for said project. All work is to be done in strict compliance with the Plans and Specifications prepared by AECOM which have been heretofore approved by the City Council and which are now on file for public examination in the office of the City Clerk.