1.2. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF WORK 1. Scope of Work. The investigator will investigate allegations of misconduct and/or violation of laws, regulations or policies relevant to the University or observed/reported misconduct or performance problem(s) in accordance with EWU Guideline 401-01 (Investigations), EWU Policy 402-05 (Discrimination & Title IX Investigations & Resolutions), WAC 172-125 (Discrimination & Title IX Violations by Students), and WAC 172-121 (Student Conduct Code). A. The investigator will instruct all involved parties about the investigative process and to not retaliate against any involved person. B. The investigator will maintain all information obtained during the course of an investigation in a confidential manner to the extent permitted by law. C. The investigator will review the allegations and determine the most appropriate course of action consistent with applicable investigative policies/guidelines. D. While each investigation is unique, the investigator will generally complete the following tasks: (a) Contact complainant, if a complaint is filed; (b) Send notice of investigation to the respondent; (c) Set up an initial meeting with the respondent; (d) Interview the respondent; (e) Arrange interviews with witnesses; (f) Draft a final investigative report assessing each of the allegations and concluding whether the alleged behaviors are substantiated or unsubstantiated; (g) Confirm the final investigative file is organized and complete with a copy of the final investigative report and copies of any evidence (e.g. written statements, notes, documents, photos, etc.) gathered in the course of the investigation; and (h) Forward the entire investigative file, including the final investigative report, to Human Resources or the Civil Rights Office for storage. E. The investigator will substantiate or not substantiate specific factual allegations. The investigator will not reach any conclusions as to whether a policy or law has been violated, except for discrimination and Title IX cases. For discrimination and Title IX cases, the investigator will follow EWU’s policy. This policy includes a more detailed process that fully involves the complainant and respondent. For discrimination and Title IX cases, the investigator will also determine whether or not the respondent has committed discrimination or sexual misconduct. . The investigator may be required to testify before a hearing board about the information they have collected. F. All investigations should be given priority and completed in a timely and thorough manner. All investigations must be conducted in a prompt,