The SW Des Moines Street Utility Improvements – SW Ordnance Road to SW Kenworthy Drive project includes the replacement of PCC street pavement, sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer on SW Des Moines Street from SW Ordnance Road to SW Kenworthy Drive. The project also includes the replacement of water main and PCC patching on SW Kenworthy Drive from SW Des Moines Street to SW Lynn Drive. The construction improvements include approximately 4,300 SY of 8” thick PCC street pavement, 950 LF of sanitary sewer, 1,500 LF of water main, 830 LF of storm sewer, 1,380 LF of subdrain, Class 10 excavation, subgrade preparation, modified subbase, driveways, and sidewalks. Other associated improvements include temporary water main, temporary sidewalk, temporary traffic control, erosion control, surface restoration, mobilization, and miscellaneous associated work necessary to complete the project.