The supplier will supply to LSU Facility Services painters who are qualified to work on all phases of paint work. Work to be performed will primarily be maintenance type work. The painters are to be furnished on an as needed basis and are to work under the supervision of Facility Services administration. This administration will make daily work assignments, inspect work, coordinate work with other University personnel, and check daily time slips of hours worked to be turned in daily by the painters. 2 SIZE OF CREW AND SCHEDULING OF WORK: Painters will be scheduled by LSU Facility Services. The size of crew requested could range from 1 painter to at most 20 painters. Supplier must provide crews by the following timeline schedule: • 1-5 Painters = Must provide within 48 hours. • 6-10 Painters = Must provide within 72 hours. • 11-15 Painters = Must provide within 5 days. • 16-20 Painters = Must provide within 7 days...