1. This bid package is complimentary to the overall Bid Documents. Bidder to include the costs associated with its Scope of Work as it relates to all the Bid Documents including, but not limited to, Division 00 Procurement and Contracting Requirements, and 01 General Requirements. Specific information for bidding can be found in Section 00 11 16 – Invitation to Bid, and 00 21 13 – Instructions to Bidders. 2. The Subcontractor’s Work shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Furnish and install metal guardrail. b. Furnish and install handrail extensions. c. Furnish and install all bronze handrails and guardrails. d. Furnish welded plates for concealed post ties. e. Prepare and Prime all surfaces prior to site delivery. f. Furnish and install electrical panel platform and steps. 3. The subcontractor shall not include: a. Masonry/concrete work. Goodspeed Opera House Foundation, Inc. Opera House Renovations and Parking Lot Rehabilitation b. Site demolition. c. Selective demolition. d. Finish painting.