Riverbanks Zoo and Garden is seeking bids for a term contract for sweeping its parking lots. The district proposes to award a two-year contract with an option to renew for three (3) one (1) year options. Contractor shall use and furnish at his own expense all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for the satisfactory performance of the parking lot sweeping work set forth herein. After sweeping curbs, gutters and behind wheel stops, pavement shall be left in a clean condition. A clean condition is defined as the absence of residue in the pavement and gutters upon the completion of the sweeping operation. The sweeping shall include as many passes as necessary to leave the pavement in a clean condition. Contractor shall maintain a log which indicates dates, times, volume of debris removed, and sites swept. A log shall be submitted to the District upon request. At the discretion of the District, specific parking lots or sweeping frequencies may be deleted or added to the contract. Contract prices will be changed to reflect the change to the scope of work. At all times, contractor will bill monthly for actual sites swept at the per lot sweep rate. Compensation for parking lot sweeping shall be based on the number of times each site is swept. Contractor shall submit invoices monthly.