The work shall consist of an outline of architectural services for concept and design of the following outdoor areas within the City of Biddeford: • Community Center Playground, 189 Alfred St., Biddeford. This area covers the front facing part of the J. Richard Martin Community Center on Alfred Street. Currently fenced in two separate sections, we are looking for a design that is suitable for enjoyment for all ages for passive and active recreation opportunities. • Peirson’s Lane Playground, Peirson’s Lane, Biddeford. This small fenced in area is currently used as a community garden and children’s play area. The community garden will remain intact. The vision for this space is to provide play spaces for children ages 5 and under, with areas for shade and seating. • Canopy Park, Bacon Street, Biddeford. This is a pocket park, with approximately 650 square feet of space. The vision for this space is to provide space for a flower garden, seating area and passive recreation opportunities that can be enjoyed by all ages. • Open Space is located on FOAV Court, Biddeford. This is a small square area, approximately 5000 square feet in space. It currently is a flat, open space. There is no parking available for the public in this area. We are looking for designs that would be suitable for neighbors to walk to for passive or active recreational opportunities.