• Firm will review existing alignment study and confirm recommendations. • Perform data collection and field survey as necessary. • Perform utility investigations and coordination to prevent conflicts with design. • Perform in depth hydraulic analysis. • Prepare easement documents for proposed alignment. • Coordinate with City of Phoenix Real Estate Division as necessary. • Perform detailed geotechnical investigations including corrosion potential of soils. • Prepare design concept report and design documents including drawings, technical specifications, and special provisions for constructing the redundant force main project. • Perform asset management data coordination. • Prepare preliminary and final construction cost estimates. • Prepare project schedules and hold progress meetings and workshops as needed to complete the work. • Assist the City in any required environmental, cultural surveys, and in obtaining any required local, county, state, or national permits and approvals. • Coordinate with the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department and other outside agencies as needed. • Coordinate with other ongoing projects within the project area. • Provide public information services based on project impacts. • Prepare Maintenance of Plant Operation (MOPO) as needed for force main construction. • Actively coordinate and communicate with Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) and City staff for all related activities. • Provide pre-construction services including reviewing GMPs, project schedule, construction bid price, and subcontractor selection plans.