Condition: • All materials shall conform to the St. Charles County Standard Specifications for Arterial Highway Construction, 2020, or latest revision thereof. • Aggregates shall be crushed limestone and sand. Liquid asphalt shall be paving grades 60-100 as determined in Section 1002 of the Standard Specifications. • The County shall back charge the Contractor for excessive waiting time at the plant as determined by the St. Charles County Engineer. • Charges for excessive waiting at the plant shall be in accordance with actual costs of the County trucks and drivers. • Include laboratory mix design for each type asphalt bid. Safety and Health Regulations: All Contractors shall provide necessary safety standards at their facilities in accordance with Federal Register Volume 36, Number 75, U.S. Department of Labor. Each Contractor shall supply a copy of the M.S.D.S. sheets for each item bid. Estimate of Quantity: It is estimated that the County will use approximately 50,000 tons of Type Bit Base, Type BP-1, or Type BP-2 mix. The Contractors’ attention is called to the fact that the quantity of material to be furnished under these specifications is approximate and the right is reserved to increase or diminish quantity as may be necessary.