1 Sponsorship is available. The sponsorship of the Hunter Jumper Complex requires a cash fee of $50,000 each/year, or a cash sponsorship of $40,000 and in-kind contribution of $10,000, totaling $50,000. 1. The Respondent shall clearly outline in its response to the Kentucky Horse Park the sponsorship fee shall be paid in cash, in-kind, or a cash and in-kind contribution. 2. The following benefits (listed by class) will be made to the successful Respondent: a. Marketing i. Sponsor identification in sponsor references made by the Kentucky Horse Park as a sponsor. ii. One (1) sign in each ring in the Hunter Jumper Complex (four total). iii. One (1) sign facing outward along Nina Bonnie Boulevard on the Stonelea Ring, and One (1) sign facing outward along Nina Bonnie Boulevard on the Claiborne Ring, indicating “Hunter Jumper Complex sponsored by __________________.” Signage to be apx. 24” wide, and provided by KHP. iv. One (1) sign facing entrance to Hunter Jumper Complex from stabling area, and one (1) sign facing entrance to Hunter Jumper Complex from steeplechase field indicating “Hunter Jumper Complex sponsored by ______________.” Signage to be apx. 24” wide, and to be provided by KHP. v. KHP will recognize sponsor on KHP website, with a live link to the Respondent’s website. vi. Logo in rotation on digital signage at KHP entrance (does not include Kentucky Three-Day Event) vii. Logo in rotation in Visitor Center on video boards viii.One (1) logo board to be placed with other sponsors along Cigar Lane ix. Ability to place a brochure in the Visitor Center. x. Ability to place display(s) in location(s) to be mutually agreed upon between KHP and sponsor. xi. Ability to provide one (1) hands-on educational exhibit at the Kids’ Barn (sponsor responsible for development, installation, and maintenance cost, to be presented to KHP and approved prior to installation) xii. KHP post a minimum of two (2) social posts annually on Facebook and Instagram...