SPECIFICATIONS or approved Equivalent. See Page 7 for substitute/equivalent requirements/instructions. a. This new product is to replace the current Notifier AFP 400 and devices with new fire alarm panel and devices. b. New equipment must work/interact with existing equipment as stated below. c. Vendor must be able to install the Fire Alarm Panel and supply all labor, materials, equipment and tools needed to perform and complete the job as listed below. d. Vendor must unbox, setup, and verify all equipment is in working order. Shipping and installation charges should be included within line item, no separate charges, see (3a) above for pricing instructions e. Installation shall be complete within 60-90 days after order. ITEM LIST: The part numbers listed below are for a Simplex 4100ES and are used for product reference only. (Include item price, discounts, rebates, warranty, shipping, delivery, installation, etc. costs when pricing per line) Simplex 4100 ES which includes the following to be replaced: 1) 70 smoke detector heads with Part # 4098-9714 2) 30 heat detector heads and bases with Part # 4098-9733 3) 70 smoke detector sensor bases with Part # 4098-9792 4) 16 pull stations with Part # 2099-9756 5) 20 duct detectors with Part # 4098-9756 6) Include all batteries, NACs, modules, relays that will match the system you are installing. Note: • Work must meet or exceed all applicable local and state codes and regulations. • Plans must be sent and approved by Fire Marshal. • New fire alarm panel will be installed in adjacent hallway from old panel. • Speaker Strobes will stay • Contractor must maintain a safe and secure work site. • Existing wiring will be used. • Wall opening are to be neat and clean. • Wall repairs will be done by others. • Contractor must test all devices and system before final walk through. • Contractor is responsible for cleaning all dirt, debris and trash resulting from this work