1. Convene and provide needs assessment updates for the FHSD programs and staff, engage staff to provide leadership to coordinate assessment efforts for each population domain, solicit input on innovative and effective methods to present data findings, identify criteria to select priorities, and collect input on priority selection; 2. Meet regularly with FHSD and the Needs Assessment Advisory Committee to develop a comprehensive and ongoing action plan; 3. Work with the FHSD and the Needs Assessment Advisory Committee to develop a plan for both the internal and general state prioritization processes, and an evaluation plan to assess the activities so that the awarded Contractor and FHSD can make modifications as needed throughout the contract period; 4. Assist FHSD to provide support for program leadership development; 5. Provide a timeline for implementation of the two prioritization processes and needs assessment activities; and 6. Implement plans for both prioritization processes to identify: 1) 7-10 FHSD priorities; and 2) a similar list of priority needs for the general MCH population.