For each issue assigned, the selected firm will be required to perform any or all the following services: 1. Monitor and demonstrate compliance with IRS regulations. 2. Consult with the Authority regarding the nature of the issue and collect all necessary documentation and investment data. 3. Review documentation for special elections and eligibility for spending exceptions. Verify that the issue is subject to the Rebate Requirement. 4. Verify debt service, original issue discount or premium, sources and uses, and calculate the tax arbitrage yield. 5. Review and confirm prior calculations for the issue, if any. 6. Identify, and separately account for, all "Gross Proceeds" (as that term is defined in the Rebate Requirement) of the bond issue, including those requiring allocation analyses due to "transferred proceeds" and/or "commingled funds" circumstances. 7. Review and analyze the portfolio of investments and the funds and accounts in which the investments are held. Determine whenever necessary the fair market price or present value of investments, as needed...