The NW Irvinedale Drive & NW 18th Street Intersection Improvements project includes reconstruction of the intersection to provide dedicated left-turn lanes, right-turn lanes, and an urban cross section from approximately 500 feet west to 475 feet east of NW Irvinedale Drive along NW 18th Street, and 650 feet south to 750 north of NW 18th Street along NW Irvinedale Drive. The project also includes temporary pavement to transition the north and south limits of NW Irvinedale Drive from the existing rural to the proposed urban cross section. The construction improvements include approximately 12,000 SY of 9” thick PCC Class C-SUD street pavement, 1,600 SY of 7” thick PCC Class C-SUD street pavement, 2,300 LF of storm sewer, 3,750 LF of subdrain, Class 10 excavation, subgrade preparation, modified subbase, paved medians, driveways, sidewalks, traffic signal, fiber optic infrastructure, pavement markings, temporary surface restoration, permanent surface restoration, temporary traffic control, mobilization, and miscellaneous associated work necessary to complete the project. The City will furnish the combination traffic signal / lighting poles, mast-arm mounted street name signs, ATC 48VDC cabinet with controller, conflict monitor, and accessories, and fiber optic cable for contractor installation.