In general, the Iowa DOT will work with the selected firm on a project by project basis to determine the types of services required on a project. The services performed by the consulting firm may include, but are not limited to, the following: Construction Phase Services • Third party and testing and inspection of the relevant elements of the building design during construction as outlined in the 2015 International Building Code, Chapter 17 Code Required Special Inspections as amended by the Iowa State Building Code. • Testing and observation as called for in each DOT Facilities prepared project construction manual under: o Specification Section 01 4533 – Code Required Special inspections and procedures. o Specification Section 01 4000 – Quality Requirements o Individual specification sections such as 03 3000 – Concrete and other sections. • Overall, the items above typically entail but are not limited to the following services: o Project Management Services - Supervision of Lab and Field Services, Project Reporting o Special Inspection of Excavation/Foundation Bearing Surfaces o Special Inspection and Testing of Reinforcing Steel and Cast-In-Place Concrete o Special Inspection of Compacted Subgrade/Subbase o Special Inspection of Compacted Fill/Backfill o Special Inspection of Reinforcing Steel and Concrete Masonry Unit Construction o Services of AWS CWI Welding Inspector - Field Testing of Welds and High Strength Bolts