The Vendor shall furnish skilled service, labor, materials, supplies, tools equipment, insurance permits, and fees (if any) necessary to accomplish roof repairs. Vendor MUST possess a State of Illinois roofing license. The square footage of roof decking required cannot be determined until exposed. Once exposed, the total square footage needed shall be submitted to the Chief Engineer for approval. That amount will be the total billable square footage and will be billed per the square footage price indicated on the BidBuy line item. Total billable decking will not exceed 680 square feet, which is equivalent to the total square footage of the project. The Vendor shall provide repair to three (3) separate roofs, Employee Kitchen, Knit Shop, and Health Care Unit. Quote should include total price to repair all three sites as outlined below minus the amount for roof decking. Employee Kitchen Roof Repair Employee Kitchen Roof is approximately 6,200 square feet of ethylene propylene diene monomer (EDPM) roofing material. Only 800 square feet of the roof is damaged and in need of replacement. Bid will include replacement/repair including but not limited to: Scratch all existing gravel back at gutter edge where water ponding occurs. Water ponds are approximately 180 square feet as an area 60 foot long by 3 foot wide. Eliminate ponding water at gutter edge. Replace decking boards if necessary. Install new roof coating over area where gravel is removed to tie into existing undamaged roof area. Finished repair should have similar finish and appearance as the rest of the existing roof area. Knit Shop Roof Repair Knit Shop Roof is approximately 18,500 square feet of shingled roof. Only 400 square feet is damaged and requires repair. Bid will include replacement/repair including but not limited to: Replace missing felt and shingles in various spots on the roof. Replacement felt and shingles to be tied into properly attached felt and shingles that do not need to be replaced. Replace decking boards if necessary. Replaced shingles and repaired area should have similar finish and appearance as the rest of the existing roof area. Roofing material must be approved by Chief Engineer prior to installation. Health Care Unit Repair Total square footage of existing roof is approximately 5,900 square feet. Bid will include but not be limited to: Replace three (3) curbs on existing EPDM roof. Three (3) curbs to be replaced total approximately 100 feet. Shovel ballast away from two (2) roof top air conditioning units (RTU) and one (1) roof hatch, to be replaced once repairs are made. Clean existing membrane in order to reflash curbs. Reflash two (2) RTUs, one (1) roof hatch, and three (3) curbs. Replace ballast that was shoveled. Repaired section should have similar finish and appears as the rest of the existing roof area. All repairs are to be performed during normal working hours of 7 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Monday through Friday excluding holidays. The Vendor shall ensure all worked performed is in compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and is completed by skilled journeymen or technicians in accordance with all national, state, or county standards. The vendor MUST possess a valid and current roofing license issued by the State of Illinois. All work is to 100% performed by the contracted vendor. There are NO SUBCONTRACTORS allowed on this project. The Vendor shall furnish all tools required, lifts to access roof, and repair and replacement items. All materials provided by the Vendor shall be new, unless otherwise stipulated, and compliant with existing roof structure. The Vendor shall provide skilled and licensed laborers for the roof repairs.