1) Retain the Commerce Drive/State Steet Extension bridge and a 24” RCP outfall on the east bank of the river; 2) Replace the bridge by: a) Installing erosion and sedimentation controls; b) Coordination of temporarily relocation of utilities (work by others) c) Setting up stage 1&2 traffic pattern, as applicable; d) Removing existing superstructure; e) Installing temporary cofferdams and dewatering; f) Removing existing end walls and abutments. g) Constructing new abutments, wingwalls, retaining wall, and end walls; h) replacing and relocating a 72” RCP and flapgate; i) installing 70 cubic yards of new riprap under bridge and 14 cubic yards for maintenance of outlet scour protection; j) removing temporary cofferdams; k) installing beams and parapet; and, l) installing bridge rail, concrete sidewalk, new utilities (work contracted and performed Utilities), and pavement. Note: General contractor to prescribe means, methods and sequence for scope of work above 3) Existing conditions to be field verified by contractor for actual conditions and quantities, with no additional cost to proposed bid pricing (see General Notes). 4) Permit requirements shall be performed in accordance to local, state and federal permit regulations including regulations for no work periods and special conditions. 5) Notice to proceed and commencement of work shall be provided by written notice from the engineer and include the duration of time for complete relocation and installation of temporary utilities. No additional cost to be demanded if 45-day period for utility work or other field condition preparations is extended. Contractor shall cooperate with utilities as required for all Stage 1 and Stage 2 set up, demolition, construction and finishing work, with no additional cost (see General Notes).