Scope of Instrument Needed 1 New Silica Discrete Analyzer (FIA) 2 Instrument must be capable of using Standard Method 4500 SiO2D, with the option of EPA 310.2 (1974), and SM 4500-NH3 F,G,H 3 The vendor must provide all initial consumables and operational parts to start up the instrument Consumables 1 The system should have the capacity to hold up to 80 samples, including calibration standards and quality control checks. 2 The instrument must possess full traceability for long-term results storage, including calibration and reagent data. 3 It should be able to fit on a standard laboratory benchtop. 4 Automatic sample and pre-dilution functionality are required. 5 The system should be capable of automatically diluting over-range tests and performing automatic reruns 6 The instrument can hold up to 26 different reagents 7 It must display a pass curve ICV value starting at 1PPM to 20ppm with a minimum correlation coefficient of 0.995 8 The approximate sampling time per sample is under 2 minutes. Discrete Analysis Overview 1 The consumables must meet the drinking water and wastewater standard method SM4500 SiO2-D requirements. 2 An alternate backup must be available to make the standard from a manual working stock Computer 1 The computer will be imaged by the City of Raleigh IT team to comply with the city's network requirements. 2 The option to connect to the network and operate offline will be determined at a later date with a meeting with the City of Raleigh IT department and the service engineer Software 1 Advanced user settings for making changes to the method and software. 2 Audit trail for tracking changes and actions within the system. 3 Traceability for maintaining a record of processes and activities. 4 Date and time stamping of raw data for accurate documentation. 5 Automated calibration using a single stock standard to streamline the process. 6 Automated startup and shutdown for convenience and efficiency. 7 LIMS connectivity for seamless integration with laboratory information management systems. 8 Auto dilution of over-range samples for automated handling of high-concentration samples. 9 Automated spike and recovery for quality control and accuracy assessment. 10 Automated standard addition for complex sample matrices to simplify analysis. Service and Installation 1 Certified installation by factory-trained service engineers. 2 Preventive maintenance plans for future purchase. 3 Service repair with remote capabilities for quick turnaround. 4 Upon installation, the instrument must achieve a passing curve with a correlation coefficient of no less than 0.995 for silica analysis.