Competitive proposals will align with the recommendations and timelines listed in the evaluation plan (Addendum II). All proposals should include the following: A. Outline of the proposed evaluation questions B. Description of measurable outcomes C. Summary of proposed methodology, instrumentation data collection techniques, and statistical analysis D. Work plan and timelines for the proposed research E. Schedule for reports and deliverables F. Description of qualifications for each member of the evaluation team, including curriculum vitaes G. Annual budget with justification 5.2 TASKS/DELIVERABLES The vendor will be charged with fulfilling statutorily required expectations of an annual review of Laboratory Schools as cited in legislative language ( This includes: 1. Information on public school student enrollment in each laboratory school, including student demographics. 2. The public school student admissions process and the number of students enrolled under the following categories at each laboratory school: a. Students who were previously assigned to a low-performing school. b. Students who did not meet expected student growth in the school year prior to enrollment. c. Siblings of an otherwise eligible student. NC General Statutes - Chapter 116 Article 29A 15 3. Public school student achievement data, including school performance grades and student achievement scores and student growth, at each laboratory school. 4. Public school student academic progress in each laboratory school as measured against the previous school year and against other schools located in the local school administrative unit and statewide. 5. Information on the student outcomes for students who are enrolled in each educator preparation program who obtained clinical experience in school leadership and teaching in the laboratory schools, including the performance elements reported under G.S. 115C-269.35. 6. Best practices resulting from laboratory school operations. 7. Other information the Subcommittee considers appropriate. (2016-94, s. 11.6(a); 2017-117, s. 1; 2017-189, s. 6(i); 2018-5, s. 10.1(d).) The annual evaluation report must be approved by the University of North Carolina Board of Governors’ Subcommittee on Laboratory Schools, historically in October of a given year, prior to official submission to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee (JLEOC) of the General Assembly by November 15th of a given year. The vendor will be expected to engage with the University of North Carolina System Office staff on a quarterly basis (or more, as needed) to provide updates and identify needs related to completion of the evaluation. The vendor will need to effectively engage with University and Laboratory School staff, to include educator preparation program Deans, Lab School initiative Directors, and school Principals, to ensure accurate data is collected, represented, and reported.