Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA): The scope of services for this category generally requires non-intrusive testing and may include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following components: Perform a records review to obtain and review records that will help identify recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. Perform an onsite reconnaissance of the property to obtain information indicating the likelihood of identifying recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. a) ASTM Standard #E 1527 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, latest edition, and, b) ASTM Standard #E 1528 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Transaction Screen Process, latest edition. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA): The scope of services for this category generally requires intrusive testing and may include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following components: Develop the scope of work. Assessment activities (including laboratory testing). Evaluation and presentation of data. Presentation of findings, conclusions and specific recommendations with cost estimates to accomplish the recommended work. Perform the review of previously prepared environmental documents and reports. Investigate property background such as involved parties, known and potential environmental conditions, current and historic property use, responsible parties, cause of environmental conditions, potential off-site sources of contamination, etc. Determine if buildings, soil, air, and possibly groundwater have been impacted by a known or possible environmental condition (i.e., a dry cleaner, leaking underground storage tank, etc.) to determine the necessity for further characterization. Determine the vertical and lateral extent of soil and groundwater contamination and provide remediation cost estimates to the Authority to make decisions regarding the property. Discuss drilling and sampling protocols, details of monitoring well construction, if applicable, rationale for selection of locations for borings/wells and depths explored. Perform all analysis and interpretation of results in the context of applicable Local, State and Federal laws, ordinances, regulations and rules. Perform analysis of local geologic and hydro geologic setting and environmental conditions identified in borings/wells including depth to groundwater, probable, or known direction for local groundwater flow, interpretation of soil/stratigraphy and contaminant distribution based on boring logs made in Phase II site work. Perform interpretive analysis of vertical and lateral extent of soil and/or groundwater contamination using geologic cross-sections, water table contour maps, and iso-concentration contour maps as maybe applicable to clearly illustrate finds and implications to the average report user/consumer. Report preparation with conclusions, recommendations, and cost estimates as appropriate to implement recommendations. Identify applicable regulatory jurisdictions, cleanup standards/guidelines, applicable soil and/or groundwater cleanup guidelines, identification of agency reporting/disclosure requirements, if any. Discuss lab results with comparison to regulatory cleanup guidelines, discussion of requirements to meet regulatory standards, discussion of feasibility for remediation, if applicable, approximate estimated costs for additional studies and/or monitoring and/or remediation, if feasible, and estimated timelines to meet regulatory requirements. Provide expert witness services relating to Phase II Environmental Site Assessments. The following industry and regulatory standards and all of the performance requirements that they contain shall be part of the requirements of the scope of work for this category as if they were repeated in full herein, unless indicated otherwise by the Authority in a signed Delivery Order. a) ASTM Standard #E 1903 Standard Guide for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process, latest edition. b) ASTM Standard #D 5730 Guide to Site Characteristics for Environmental Purposes with Emphasis on Soil, Rock, The Vadose Zone and Ground Water, latest edition. c) ASTM Standard #D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock and Contained Fluids, latest edition. d) ASTM Standard #D 4750 Test Method for Determining Subsurface Liquid Levels in a Borehole or Monitoring Well. (Observation Well), latest edition. e) ASTM Standard #E 1527 Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I, latest edition. f) ASTM Standard #E 1528 Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Transaction Screen Process, latest edition. Drilling, sampling, and laboratory testing of soil, groundwater, building materials or any other material shall be in compliance with, and according to, the required protocols and procedures of the Authorities having jurisdiction, and, in accordance with the procedures and practices as defined by the Standards, laws, codes, ordinances and rules or requirements as stated or referenced in this category. Phase III Environmental Site Assessment: Remediation assistance and clearance testing as may be required depending upon the findings in Phase II. Such follow-on services may include but are not limited to: Delineating the physical extent of contamination based on recommendations made in Phase II assessments. Intensive testing, sampling, and monitoring, “fate and transport” studies and other modeling. The design of feasibility studies for remediation and remedial plans. This study normally involves assessment of alternative cleanup methods, costs and logistics. Developing a report detailing the steps taken to perform site cleanup and the follow-up monitoring for residual contaminants. Preparing bid specifications for remediation and overseeing the work until such time as total clearance is obtained.