1 Required Item Database Search Accurint for Government Fees Price Table: Standard Features Fee(per user) Premium Features: Real Time Phone Search Virtual Identity Search & Report Total Monthly User Fees(per user) Minimum Number of Users: 20 Total Monthly Minimum Amount Total Minimum Amount Valid Period: 1/2025-9/30/2025 Billed in Arrears 95635 - Internet Database Subscriptions 1.00 Each 2 Required Item Database Search Dynamic Decision Platform - InstantID (IID Q&A) Fees Term customer shall pay a flat rate commitment, which shall be invoiced in equal monthly installments, in exchange for processing the number of transactions each month as detailed in the IID Q&A Table below. Should Customer exceed the Monthly Contract Limit, Customer shall pay the overage fee detailed in the IID Q&A Table for each transaction exceeding the Monthly Contract Limit. IID Q&A Table Feature: IID Q&A Monthly Contract Limit: 20,833 Overage Fee: Valid Period: 1/2025-9/30/2025 Billed in Arrears 95635 - Internet Database Subscriptions 1.00 Each