Item No. 1 Mobilization and Demobilization Measurement for payment for Mobilization shall be based upon the completion of the entire WORK as a Lump Sum Pay Unit, complete, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Payment for Mobilization under the Base Bid shall be made at the amount shown on the Bid Schedule under Pay Item No. 1505.1, which payment shall constitute full compensation for all WORK described in Section 01505 - Mobilization, as shown on the Plans and as directed by the ENGINEER. Partial payments will be made as the WORK progresses as follows: When 5% of the total original contract amount is earned from other pay items, 50% of the amount bid for Mobilization, or 5% of the original contract amount, whichever is lesser, will be paid. When 10% of the total original contract amount is earned from other pay items, 100% of the amount bid for Mobilization, or 10% of the original contract amount, whichever is lesser, will be paid. Upon completion of all WORK on the Project, payment of any amount bid for Mobilization in excess of 10% of the total original contract amount will be paid. Item No. 2 Ride Pilings Measurement for payment for Construction Surveying will be based upon the completion of the entire WORK as a Lump Sum Pay Unit, complete, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Payment for Construction Surveying under the Base Bid shall be made at the amount shown in the Bid Schedule under Pay Item No. 2702.1, which payment will constitute full compensation for all WORK described in Section 02702 – Construction Surveying, as shown on the Plans and as directed by the ENGINEER. Pay Item No. Pay Item Pay Unit 2 Ride Pilings Lump Sum ANY WORK SHOWN ON THE PLANS THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED IN THE BID DESCRIPTION SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO OTHER ITEMS OF WORK AND SHALL NOT BE SPECIFICALLY MEASURED FOR PAYMENT INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: 1. Removal and replacement of survey monuments and markers disturbed during construction, whether shown on the Plans or not. 2. Re-vegetating areas disturbed during construction. 3. Erosion and pollution control. 4. Maintenance of all services through the Project area, including water, storm, garbage pickup, mail delivery, other deliveries and emergency vehicles. 5. All traffic control, including flaggers. 6. Transport, shipping and delivery of all materials to the project site, undamaged and in new condition. 7. Minor changes in grades to fit field conditions. 8. As-Builts. 9. Continual coordination with the City of Ketchikan Port Director and Harbormaster for safe passage and transit of vessels entering and exiting the harbor throughout the construction period.