2. SCOPE OF WORK AND SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 Tap and install two- four (4) inch SCH 40 PVC gravity sewer services inclusive of cleanout, piping, fittings, and appurtenances from the main to the property line. 2.2 Establish traffic control during the performance of the work, ensuring measures are in place for safety and all compliance requirements. 2.3 Contractor shall endeavor to minimize any disturbance to roadway and any disturbance shall be restored as required to meet NCDOT requirements. 2.4 Contractor shall seed and mulch site to NCDOT standard specifications and shall establish sufficient vegetation to stabilize the disturbed areas. 2.5 The work includes the cost of all mobilization, overhead, insurance, clean up, and all ancillaries necessary for a complete service. 2.6 No debris will be left at the site. 2.7 All materials, restoration, and debris disposal costs must be included in the submitted bid. 2.8 All necessary permits for the work are the responsibility of the contractor. The selected contractor shall attend a meeting at a mutually agreeable time, but within two weeks of notification, with the owner to determine setup, staging area, storage, and appropriate work hours prior to commencing services under the awarded contract. Contractor to submit a forecasted timeline of work and anticipated completion date. 2.9 Contractor shall adhere to all Brunswick County Technical Specification and