•Micro-focused monochromated Aluminum X-ray source with adjustable spot size in the range of 50 to 400 μm in 5 μm steps. •Highspeed hemispherical electron analyzer with 128 multi-channel detector, containing a continuously selectable pass energy range of 1 - 400 eV and a kinetic energy range of 5 - 1500 eV. •Fully automatic sample transfer, automatic energy scale calibration, and automated Z-height optimization. •Sample manipulator should have at least 4-axes of directional movement, X, Y, Z and rotational. •Vendor provided standard calibration samples. •Powder sample holder that can accommodate small sample volumes without the use of carbon tape. •Vacuum/inert atmosphere transfer module for sample transfer from both glovebox and cleanroom environments without exposure to ambient conditions. •Dual-beam low energy electron/ion flood source for charge neutralization for XPS analysis of insulators and semiconductors. •Monoatomic Ar+ ion gun with beam energy of 200 eV to 4 keV for sample cleaning. •Imaging and chemical mapping capabilities, including small area XPS. •Depth profiling capabilities. •Dual light sources (top-down and side view) inside analysis chamber for sample alignment on both smooth and rough surfaces.