It is Commerce’s expectation that, upon selection, Commerce and the selected company will negotiate and enter into a final written agreement providing the price and a scope of work to be delivered by the company that will be the same, or substantially the same, as the scope of services described in this Section 5, keeping in mind that Commerce is held to stringent cost-control measures and always seeks to be good stewards of the state’s resources. In no event shall the final price for the selected company’s scope of services exceed the Company’s Total Fee contained in the company’s response to Section 5.c. of this RFP. Preliminary recommendations and a timeline for implementation, consistent with the scope of work outlined in Section 5 must be submitted to Commerce for review within 45 days of entering into the final written agreement. Implementation and training shall begin immediately upon entering into the final written agreement. At the conclusion of training, a final report summarizing the training provided shall be presented to the Deputy Secretary and other top leaders, as identified. It is the intent of Commerce for the term of the contract awarded under this RFP to last for a period no longer than one (1) year. The contract is not effective until all required State approvals have been obtained.