(a) Chainsaw Thinning, Pruning and Ladder Fuel Reduction - ( 1) Excess trees shall be cut. (2) Stump height of cut trees shall be no higher than four inches above ground level and below the lowest live limb. (3) Trees shall be completely severed from the stump. ( 4) No cut tree shall be left suspended in or leaning against a leave tree or tree outside the unit boundary. (5) When possible leave trees shall have not less than 50% live crown. (6) Residual spacing or basal area will be specified on a site specific basis by the County Forester. (7) Limbs shall be pruned to a height of eight feet or one third the height of the tree, whichever is less, unless otherwise specified by the County Forester. (8) Brush and small trees less than six feet in height located under the drip line of larger trees and thus act as ladder fuels shall be cut to a height of 4 inches or less.