The purpose of this IFB is to enter into a contract award for a one (1) time purchase to the lowest cost responsive and responsible Bidder to provide the town of Torrey 13 fully assembled signs/panels to include one each of the following: Welcome, The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth/Moon, Mars, Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Outer Solar System, and Milky Way (and beyond the Solar System) Size of signs/panels: 18” x 24” Single post (Black Powder Coated Aluminum), In-ground mount Exterior Image LOC Panels Sign/panel information to be created by vendor similar to A screen shot of a computer screen Description automatically generated Name of planet or solar system feature as listed above Basic facts about planet / solar feature Description of planet / solar feature At least two images of planet / solar feature Scale showing distance between each planet / solar feature Arrows indicating distance to next sign and previous sign scaled to ½ mile pathway Each sign designed for visitors coming from the right or left side of trail depending upon sign location on pathway Audio guide to be accessed by visitors by downloading a free via a QR code similar to the image below. A black and white photo of a child looking at a screen Description automatically generated Provide proofs for audio and artwork approval prior to fabrication A minimum 5-year warranty on panels