A. OBJECTIVES Kent County Levy Court ("KCLC" or “County”) is accepting Requests for Proposals (RFP) from human resources, legal professionals, and qualified vendors experienced with municipal organizations to complete a comprehensive review and revision to the County's Personnel Manual. As a part of this RFP, it is expected that existing personnel policies may be simplified, deconflicted, updated, and rendered best practice, as requested by staff and Levy Court Commissioners. It is also expected that training to all supervisors on interpreting and implementing the updated personnel policies will be included to ensure that there is a shared understanding and consistency throughout the organization. This RFP provides interested respondents with information to prepare and submit a proposal for consideration by KCLC regarding its professional services to review and revise the County Personnel Policy Manual consistent with human resources policy best practices. This RFP process is intended to identify potential contractors with which KCLC may, in its sole discretion, choose to enter into an agreement for the proposed consulting services. It is expressly understood and agreed that the submission of a proposal does not require or obligate KCLC to pursue an agreement with any respondent. All negotiations are subject to the consideration and discretionary approval by KCLC, which may, at its sole discretion, accept or reject any and/or all proposals and agreements. Kent County Levy Court reserves the right to reject, without cause, any and all proposals, to waive any informality relative to proposals, and accept any proposal from any person deemed advantageous to the County. gal Consultant will be expected to provide the following applicable services: 1. Identify which policies are required by Federal and State law; 2. Make specific recommendations to simplify the policies and ensure they are 3. Make specific recommendations on which policies present conflicting information; 4. Compare the current Personnel Policy Ordinance and Manual to best practices found in other Delaware municipalities, local, and state government agencies to provide recommendations for improvement. As part of this review and revision project, all current policies will be considered for amendment or replacement including but not limited to: a. General Regulations b. Recruitments, Selection and Appointment c. Reasonable Accommodation, Interactive Process d. Positions and Class Specifications e. Harassment and Discrimination f. For Cause/At Will Employment Designation g. Pay Practices h. Leave Provisions i. Separation from Employment j. Work Schedules & Alternative Work Policy k. Drug & Alcohol Policy (Drug-free Workplace and Alcohol/Controlled Substance Policy) l. Promotion and Disciplinary Policies m. Rules of Conduct and Appearance n. Driver Eligibility and Vehicle Use o. Technology Use and Privilege 5. Once completed, provide training of new Personnel Policy Manual to supervisors