The Timpanogos Special Service District (TSSD) (Owner) is requesting proposals from qualified contractors to grow/source and plant the wetland plants for the TSSD Package B Wetland Mitigation Project on the northern shore of Utah Lake. Qualified contractors must have extensive experience with wetland restoration and the cultivation and planting of wetland plants in Utah, ideally in or around Utah Lake and its watershed. Jacobs (Engineer) is supporting TSSD on the mitigation project. As part of the construction of the Package B expansion project, TSSD is authorized to fill jurisdictional wetlands but is required to mitigate for the loss of these wetlands. The Package B Wetland Mitigation Project involves the enhancement, rehabilitation, and creation of 17.02 acres of wetland habitat on TSSD-owned wetlands on the northern shore of Utah Lake. The Package B Mitigation Plan is included as an attachment for reference in addition to the highlighted portion of the construction specifications (Section 32_90_00; Mitigation Site Planning)