Bank stabilization, channel modifications, and grade control structures are proposed to protect building foundations and municipal utilities, prevent future channel downcutting and widening, reduce sediment loading, and reduce tree losses. These objectives are achieved by implementing several design elements: • Construct low elevation floodplain benches and grade from the floodplain bench to the existing floodplain at a maximum 2H:1V slope. • Install stone bank toe (of slope) protection or gabion walls where utilities and structures constrain creation of a floodplain bench. • Increase the channel bed elevation within most of the restoration channel and specifically over the existing utility crossings to restore their intended subsurface condition. • Install grade controls (e.g., cross vanes, step pools). • Stabilize graded and disturbed areas with natural fiber material (coir mat) and plantings (live stakes, shrubs, trees and permanent seeding).