Purina PicoLab. Product Code 5V5M, 50 IF/9F. 30 pound bags. Purina Picolab. Product Code 5053 Mouse Diet. 30 pound bags Purina Mouse Chow. Product Code 5015. 50 pound bags Purina Lab Chow. Product Code 5001. 50 pound bags. Purina Lab Diet. 30003740-23 9 NIH-31 TAC Auto/ IRR 30 pound bags Purina 5LJ5 Pico Mouse Diet. 30 pound bags. • The supplier must possess an active designation as a Certified Purina Lab Chow Dealer. This is a requirement of this solicitation, and supplier must submit documentation of this active designation with the bid. A third-party certification that all animal products are being properly, handled, stored and/or transported is required in maintaining animal health. This is a certification step in PBRC Comparative Biology Core maintaining animal care standards that are periodically reviewed by animal welfare and accrediting agencies. All items purchased must be in accordance with the attached Checklist (for reference only; do not complete and return with bid) as well as “Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” eighth edition pgs., 65-67, which specifically outlines methods to be followed in handling animal food. • PBRC employees will place orders the week prior to shipment, and supplier must be able to make deliveries on Wednesdays. When orders are placed on the week prior, delivery shall be made Wednesday of the following week. • Supplier must provide dock delivery outside of the Pennington Biomedical Comparative Biology Core Facility. PBRC staff will bring items inside the facility. • All product shipments must be shrink-wrapped for protection from environmental contamination during transport.