All analytical data shall be provided in a standard laboratory report including (but not limited to) the sample ID, analyte, method number, method detection limit, reporting limit and associated quality assurance and quality control data. Standard acceptable hold-times shall be met for each analytical parameter. Requested analytical tests are: Total Dissolved Gases (TDG) – EPA method RSK-175 (or equivalent) At a minimum test should include methane, ethane, and ethene. Propane not necessary. Trace Elements Scan (i.e., metals) – EPA method 6010B (or equivalent). At a minimum test should include silver, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, lead, antimony, selenium, thallium, vanadium, and zinc). Additional elements can be included as an optional line item in the bid. Pesticides – EPA method 8081B (or equivalent). At a minimum test should include all target compounds listed in EPA methodology. PCB’s not necessary. Herbicides – EPA method 8151A (or equivalent). At a minimum test should include all target compounds listed in EPA methodology. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) – EPA methods 8260 and 8015 (or equivalent). EPA method 8260 should include at a minimum BTEX, MTBE and TPPH. EPA method 8015 should include at a minimum TPH Gasoline Range Organics (C4-C12), TPH Diesel Range Organics (C10-C28), Diesel Fuel, and TPH Oil Range Organics (C28-C40)