4.2.1 Solution must be able to manage the defined workflows within agencies and the full regulatory approval as defined in the Kansas Administrative Rules and Regulations Act. 4.2.2 We have a total of 135 agencies, boards and commissions in the state of Kansas who would utilize this software. a. Agencies i. The solution must allow for: 1. Configurable workflows to match internal agency regulatory processes. a. Workflows must include standard and temporary workflows. b. Workflows must be able to be audited by agency staff and outside stakeholders as needed. c. Workflows must include automated notifications of tasks, due dates, and reminders in past due situations. d. Workflows must be able to be visualized and evaluated by project, user, and agency within the system. 2. Changes to individual regulatory process by system administrators to meet the needs of individual projects. a. Workflows must be able to be edited on a project-by-project basis if needed. b. Users assigned to tasks must be able to be changed based on project type. 3. Track approvals, comments, and changes to any workflow processes. It must include a full log of all activity conducted within the workflow. a. Approvals and comments must be logged to a defined user and kept within the project for the life of the project. b. Approvals and rejection must allow for comments and the ability to send to a previous step within the workflow. c. Retention of data shall be all-inclusive of the life of the product. b. Support Agencies i. Workflow automation shall be implemented to process proposed rule changes through the defined process of the Kansas Administrative Rules and Regulations Act which includes the Department of Administration, Attorney General, Division of Budget, Secretary of State, and the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules and Regulations. 1. Each agency within this process must be able to have defined workflow and approval cycles including the ability to send regulations back to the agency for additional edits. 2. Track approvals, comments, and changes to any workflow processes. It must include a full log of all activity conducted within the workflow. ii. Publication 1. The solution must allow for seamless publication of rule changes as defined by the Kansas Administrative Rules and Regulations Act. 2. Regulatory publication must include the ability to publish regulations in the Kansas Register and in a publicly accessible site after approvals via the publication workflow. 4.2.3. Solution is able to work across agencies for approvals and content review. a. Content Management i. The solution will have a built-in text editor that manages templates and content as defined by the Kansas Administrative Rules and Regulations Act. 1. These templates shall include both the rule text and all supporting documents such as Economic Impact Statement. 2. The text editor shall allow for track changes, comments, and user mentions to enable streamlined development of regulations. 3. The solution shall manage and retain all versions of the regulation both in the change/review process as well as the final publication. 4. The solution shall have the ability to ingest results from previous optical character recognition scanned documents (OCR). 5. The solution shall have the capability to create OCR data during import of future regulations. ii. The solution will manage supporting documentation that is standard and unique within each rule project. 1. Standard templates shall be developed to ensure proper formatting and shall be able to be imported into a project as necessary. 2. Upload of non-standard supporting documents shall be able to be ingested by the solution and stored with the project. 3. Have the option to make supporting documents and public comments accessible by authorized users. iii. Content References 1. The solution shall have the ability to automatically reference existing Kansas Statutes, Kansas Regulations, Federal Law, and Federal Regulation. 2. Content editors shall have the ability to add additional references manually. 3. All references shall be accessible at any time during the project with a link to the official site of the government agency. iv. Permissions 1. Permissions to view, edit, comment, and approve shall be configurable by role and user. 2. Permissions must be able to be configured with the State’s active directory system.