SW Stafford Road is an existing major arterial roadway that acts as a gateway into Wilsonville from the currently rural Stafford Road area and I-205 corridor. The existing areas surrounding SW Stafford Road are in the process of being developed with a mix of residential uses and future planned residential areas that are currently undeveloped or rural. The existing SW Stafford Road between SW Advance Road/SW Boeckman Road and SW Kahle Road is characterized by varying widths of right-of-way, generally consisting of rural, unimproved frontage with no access for pedestrians and limited considerations for cyclists. This project includes improving a section of SW Stafford Road between SW Advance Road/SW Boeckman Road and SW Kahle Road to meet current City standards for a major arterial roadway and the requirements of the Frog Pond East and South Master Plan. The section to be improved is approximately 2,600 feet long and extends from SW Advance Road/SW Boeckman Road to SW Kahle Road. Both the intersection at SW Stafford Road and SW Khale Road and the intersection of SW Boeckman Road and SW Stafford Road are included in the scope. The project will include two roundabouts with the intersections of SW Brisband Street and SW Kahle Road. In addition to roadway improvements, this project includes extension of a 12-inch sanitary sewer pipeline and 12-inch drinking water pipeline, as well as undergrounding of overhead utilities and relocation of Portland General Electric high voltage transmission lines on SW Stafford Road between SW Boeckman Road and SW Kahle Road.