Professional services may include: 1. Parks Master Plan/Architecture/LandscapeArchitecture/Miscellaneous: Building construction consisting of re-roofs; alterations/additions; New Construction; ADA improvements; facility signage improvements; floor covering; painting; parks and fairgrounds facility and grounds improvements; fairgrounds master planning; historic preservation; facility/park/site master planning; graphic design; facility safety and security assessments; feasíbility studies and other associated work to be determined. 2. Engineering: Parking lot design; drainage and storm water design; water system improvements; septic systems, lift station and drain-field design; fire alarm and notification system upgrades: HVAC systems improvements and replacements; water system repairs and design, building access control, camera and security upgrades and design; structural analysis/design; surveying, parks and fairgrounds facility and grounds related improvement projects; environmental mitigation and permitting; utilities design; building energy analysis/assessment; feasibility studies and other associated work to be determined. 3. Environmental: NEPA/SEPA/ElS documentation; archeological/cultural resources surveys; environmental/geotechnical analysis and reports, hazardous materials surveys and underground fuel tank de-commissioning;wetland delineation and mitigation, shoreline assessment and permitting, and other associated work to be determined.