Manchester Public Schools (MPS) is seeking to engage a vendor(s) to provide produce products as outlined below. However, MPS reserves the right to go off-bid, in its sole discretion, to purchase local/regional food items as available. The vendor shall insert prices and extensions as required on the appropriate page of the Excel spreadsheet associated with the RFP. All pricing must include all costs of inside delivery at each destination. All pricing commences January 31, 2025, and ends June 30, 2025. MPS may withhold payment when it is determined that said supplies, materials and equipment do not meet the specified requirements. Each line item awarded to the vendor shall be for the period commencing January 31, 2025 through June 30, 2025. U.S.D.A. regulations permitting, MPS reserves the right to renew this contract with the successful vendor(s) to cover two (2) additional one (1) year (2025-2026, and 2026-2027, school years). Extension shall be valid upon written consent of all parties prior to the anniversary date of the contract. Such renewal may include cost of living increases only as they relate to the Federal Consumer Price Index. The Buy American provision requires school food authorities (SFAs) to purchase domestic agricultural commodities and food products for school meals. MPS is required to use nonprofit food service funds to purchase domestic commodities or products for program meals. Section 12(n) of the NSLA defines a domestic commodity or product as: ● An agricultural commodity produced in the U.S. ● A food product processed in the U.S. substantially using agricultural commodities that are produced in the U.S. ● At least 51 percent of the final processed product (by weight or by volume) must consist of agricultural commodities that were grown domestically. Thus, for foods that are unprocessed, agricultural commodities must be domestic, and for foods that are processed, they must be processed domestically using domestic agricultural food components that are comprised of over 51% domestically grown items, by weight or volume as determined by the SFAs.