The Firm shall provide professional engineering services to meet: (1) all requirements of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules; (2) any building code or building permit requirements; and (3) any other requirements imposed by law or ordinance. The amount of services or scope of work for each project will be determined by Catawba County. The firm(s) selected will not be guaranteed any quantity of hours, fees, or projects during the term of the contract. The projects and services proposed for Catawba County’s Solid Waste Management Facilities may include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Prepare detailed drawings, specifications, and contract documents necessary for bidding and construction of various solid waste projects, such as landfill phases, partial caps, and closures. 2. Prepare required Solid Waste reports. 3. Preparation of responses to NCDEQ correspondence. 4. Geo-Technical Services for the assessment of soil availability and suitability for use in liner and cover systems. 5. Provide QA/QC and CQA services for all relevant projects. 6. Perform Annual surveying of airspace usage for MSW and C&D landfills. 7. Prepare annual Capacity Analysis report for the State. 8. Assist with regulatory requirements and pre-regulatory landfill issues. 9. Develop the annual Financial Assurance report for Closure and Post/Closure funds. 10. Develop and prepare annual fill sequence phases in AutoCAD to be used in County’s Equipment GPS system. 11. Landfill gas system evaluation, design, and implementation. 12. Develop and maintain master plans for landfill phases, closure phases, and borrow areas.