Proposed program services should target the following risk factors for delinquency or repeat delinquency: *School Behavior Problems *Juveniles who associate with other negative/delinquent/gang involved peers *Mental Health (Substance Abuse and Victimization) *Juveniles increased access to weapons *Reduction in Juvenile Recidivism Programs should address the following concerns as reported in the Youth Assessment Screening Instrutment for adjudicated youth: Peer Domain: Davidson County youth involved with juvenile justice system are more likely to associate with others involved in delinquent activities and gang involvement. Individual Domain: Substance Abuse and mental health services are critical issues in providing assistance to youth and families involved in the juvenile justice system. Programs receiving JCPC funds shall provide appropriate access to these services. Family Domain: Parental support and/or parental enhancement skills are needed for court-referred youth. Access to services that provide best practices and have the ability to engage families are needed. School Domain: Youth involved with Davidson County juvenile justice system have increased risk of school behavior issues reflected in prolonged absences, suspensions, failing grades, attendance issues and bullying.