ITEM 1: DRY, EDIBLE DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS US#1 DRY, EDIBLE, DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS FOR FURTHER PROCESSING (CANNING) BRAND SPECIFIC: Kirkeide’s, Triple Nickel, NW Pass, Kirsten, Hayes Foods, Cooperative Elevator, and New Deal only accepted for this solicitation Grade: Must be US #1 • Moisture 12%-16%% • Total defects: 2.0 • Damage: 2.0 • Foreign Material 0.5 (including stones 0.2) • Glass, metal or plastic: zero tolerance • Allergens (soybeans or wheat): zero tolerance • Flavor and odor: free from objectionable flavors or odors. • Live weevils: zero tolerance Certificate Required: USDA Official White Certificate required with each delivery. Lot graded on Certificate must match Lot delivered. Load will be rejected without certificate as required and described herein. Packing Season: Must be from the current packing season/crop year. Pack Size: 100 pound bags, 5-7 ply paper or woven polypropylene food grade bags. Bags must be completely sewn on both ends and properly labeled as to contents. Under no circumstances will bags be accepted that are damaged, soiled or contaminated. Palletization requirements: Delivered shrink wrapped on 48” x 40” new pallets of good quality woods or used pallets. Broken or damaged pallets are unacceptable If pallet exchange is desired, Vendor shall arrange for pallet exchange with consignees. DPS is in no way responsible for arrangement of pallet exchange. Tolerance: Do not over ship quantity requested in this solicitation