Furnish and place Class II base course on a prepared surface in accordance with these specifications, in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness, and typical sections shown on the plans or established by the engineer. Control the selection, placement, mixing and compaction of materials so that the completed base course is uniform and conforms to plan dimensions and other acceptance requirements. Quality assurance requirements shall be as specified in the latest edition of the Department’s publication titled Application of Quality Assurance Specifications for Embankment and Base Course. Unless approved otherwise in writing, use the same base course material throughout the project in accordance with these specifications. Immediately prior to application of base course on existing pavement, remove raised pavement markers at no direct pay. When asphalt concrete or portland cement concrete is specified on the plans, the total thickness of asphalt concrete or portland cement concrete shall be the thickness as indicated on the plans. When the base course material is not specified on the plans, any of the following types may be used: 1. Soil Cement 2. Crushed Stone 3. Asphalt Concrete on Embankment Layer 4. Recycled Portland Cement Concrete 5. Blended Calcium Sulfate For Asphalt Concrete on Embankment Layer, the top half of the base course thickness shall be asphalt concrete. The remaining thickness of the base shall be the same type and construction as the top layer of the underlying embankment, treated layer, or subgrade, or in accordance with Section 203 for placement on existing ground. Do not place raw, untreated material between a treated layer and the asphalt concrete layer. In areas that are inaccessible for mixing and compacting, such as in turnouts, crossovers, and other isolated or irregular areas, full depth portland cement concrete or full depth asphalt concrete base course may be used in lieu of the specified Class II base course material with approval. When portland cement concrete is used, unless otherwise specified or approved by the engineer, the minimum thickness shall be 6 inches