1. All University alarm signals must be monitored by a UL listed Central Station. 2. Monitoring must be 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. 3. The Central Station must immediately dispatch fire alarms to the appropriate contact as identified in Attachment B. Notification must include the name and physical address of the building as listed in Attachment A. 4. A historical log will be maintained of alarm events detected by the Central Station and be provided for easy retrieval by Louisiana Tech staff for a period of at least 1 month. 5. Archive historical logs of all alarm events for a period of 3 years. 6. Events to include, at a minimum, in historical logs for easy retrieval: a. Fire Alarms & action taken b. Supervisory Alarms c. Successful and failed communication tests d. Requests for systems to be placed in test mode All dates and times of the above will be included in the historical log, as well as the identities of all individuals or agencies who the Central Station communicated with during each occurance. 7. Provide web-based access of the historical log, sorted by building. 8. The University will be provided with a toll-free or local phone number to communicate with the Central Station. 9. The University utilizes an array of fire alarm systems (see Attachment A). These systems communicate through a variety of methods. The successful bidder is expected to be properly equipped to successfully receive and process alarm signals transmitted by all fire alarm systems listed in this specification. 10. Should a building be added or deleted from the service, the cost shall be prorated on the subsequent month’s billing. New additions will be added at the same monthly rate per type of connection (POTS/cellular). 11. If a prospective bidder wants to tour the campus and view equipment, prior appointment is required at least two business days in advance.