The conversion of the tent campsites at Mayo Lake Park to large RV campsites. This project also includes the upgrade entrance road to accommodate large scale campers. 1. Clear trees and brush on entrance road and campsite circle drive to allow for widening. Approximately 51 trees at various sizes will be removed. 2. Widen entrance road and campsite circle drive, including installation of additional 10' of culvert pipe to create a more easily traversed transition from the entrance road to the campsite circle. 3. Haul in ABC aggregate for road surface upgrade. 4. Clear for installation of 10 new RV sites (Site Locations marked as discussed with PCRAPD representative) 5. Haul all clearing debris to off-site location 6. Construct new RV sites: excavate and grade to prepare sites for gravel base 7. Haul in and install ABC aggregate at new sites 8. Compact ABC aggregate on road surface and RV campsites 9. New Additional ABC aggregate gravel for the Road and RV Site should be a minimum of 4’-6’ inches in depth. 10. Total Length of the road to be constructed/rework is 1384 linear feet. 360 feet of the road will be 25 feet wide and 1,024 feet linear feet of the road will be 20 foot wide. 11. RV Sites dimensions will be 45’X 65’