Scope of Services: - Remove existing Zeck Systems Model Z9000 Odorizer – minimizing odorant release - Install new Odorizer - Commission new Odorizer - Validate Communications with GUC’s SCADA system; Specifications for Equipment to be Provided: Injection System Can be either pump driven, or differential pressure driven injection system, has to be able to inject up to 0.5 lbs of odorant per MMSCF at a maximum flow of 1 MMSCFH (1,000 DTs/Hr), and capable of injection into pressures from 30 psi to 250 psi. Must be a closed loop system to purge and prime back to the storage tank without exposure of odorant to the atmosphere. Pump Specifications if bidding a pump driven odorant system: - Pneumatically actuated - Approximate displacement of 0.325 cc/stroke. - Constructed of 316 Stainless Steel. - The seals and O-rings are to be made of compatible grade Viton or Chem-Rez. - The hydraulic portion of the pump is isolated from the odorant by a Teflon diaphragm...