Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is seeking bids to purchase one (1) Four Stroke Outboard Motor, 200 horsepower (HP) with accessories and two (2) Four Stroke Outboard Motor, 150HP with accessories as per the attached specifications dated January. 1. Four Stroke Outboard Motor, 200 HP with accessories. Examples: 2024 Suzuki DF 200A including digital multifunction engine diagnostic gauge, Yamaha I4 200HP with digital multifunction engine diagnostic gauge, or TPWD approved equivalent. Specify Make/Model ________________________ Specify Warranty: __________________________ Delivery Date: _____________________________ 1 EACH 2. Four Stroke Outboard Motor, 150 HP with accessories. Examples: 2024 Suzuki DF150 including controls and digital multifunction engine diagnostic gauge, 2024 Yamaha I4 150HP with controls and digital multifunction engine diagnostic gauge, or TPWD approved equivalent. Specify Make/Model ________________________ Specify Warranty: __________________________ Delivery Date: _____________________________ 2 EACH