1. Design and Provide an in-kind new Security Enhancements Project, including but is not limited to the Design of Security Enhancements, Installation of Door FOB’s, Elevator FOB, Install Panic Buttons and Remote Door Buzz-in’s and all related Work for a complete working installation acceptable to ACES, Provide all supervision, labor, tools, equipment for a complete scope or Work that meets all code and State & Local requirements. 2. The Work shall be in compliance with all State of Connecticut school construction guide lines. 3. Provide a new Millennium Access Control Panel at the ACES ECA facility located at 55 Audubon St. and the ACES Little Theater located at One Lincoln Street. 4. Provide a total of seven (7) FOB’s in the ECA building. These FOB’s will be installed at all stair tower doors on the Audubon Street side entrance (4 ea.), The second set of Audubon Street side entrance doors, a door at the backside of the school and an intermediate 4th floor door. 5. The second set of Audubon Street side entrance door FOB’s shall be connected to a new Buzz-in button to be located in the lower level Principle and Secretary’s offices. The first set of these doors is to be connected to the Buzz-in also. 6. A new FOB’s and remote Buzz-in is to be provided at the main entrance of the ACES Little Theater located at One Lincoln Street. These doors shall have the capacity to buzz-in people from both the Principle and Secretary’s offices located in the lower level of ECA. 7. Provide any door hardware as required to make systems fully functionable. 8. Design/Builder to Provide the existing Otis Elevator with a FOB system. The Design/Builder to coordinate all installation and function with the elevator vendor. 9. Provide two panic buttons in the Principle and Secretary’s offices located in the lower level of ECA. These buttons shall have the capacity to contact the Police and lock down the FOB’s. 10. Provide two (2) portable panic devices.